By Steve Byrne
Don’t expose your organisation to Ethical and Sustainability criticism derived from asset resale, let us securely return maximum $ value.
The thought of being able to recoup residual value from your legacy IT assets is terrific, after all you’ve mitigated any risk of data being exposed and you get cash back, what’s the down side here? BE careful, the bad press around companies disposing of technology in the wrong way, either ending up in landfills or worse being shipped offshore can cause millions of dollars in lawsuits and negative press.
DCR, by nature is a huge proponent of Sustainability in the IT Ecosystem, we’re refurbishing and re-marketing equipment to different channels depending on the condition of assets. We’re very cautious to make sure that equipment that originated with you doesn’t end up in landfill or worse, is exported offshore where labor and environmental laws aren’t as stringent than here.
The different channels we market to enable us to recoup the highest residual values, thus enabling us to return a greater value along with our commitment to Sustainable IT gives you a comfort in knowing your dealing with a reputable organisation.